The new earth foundation supports the members of
new earth nations to develop and build their communities & villages

Capital access for village projects
Guidance on where to get capital and the requirements of the various approaches. This includes help on how to acquire existing properties under various approaches beyond simple purchase.

Sovereignty Training & Consulting
Workshops that help participants understand the issues of sovereignty and how the law works between common law and statutory jurisdictions.
Then workshops on now to structure communities using a variety of pure trusts, including fiduciary operations.
Finally, the steps and legal work needed to become a self-governing nation.

Community Planning & Design
How to plan the creation of a community at a specific location and all the issues involved from governance to site planning to building plans.
Village Cooperative Development
Instruction and help in creating a Village Coop to run the business of the new Village on Cooperative Principles.
Village infrastructure and Construction Management
On-site assistance in the engineering of the site infrastructure (water, power, sewage, heating, cooling) and the construction of village buildings and structures.